Prunella vulgaris

Common name: Selfheal

Experience the wonder of Prunella vulgaris.

-10 to -15°C
Good Cut Flowers
Good for Pollinators

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Prunella vulgaris is an edible member of the mint family, well-known for traditional use in healing wounds amongst several other medicinal benefits, hence the common name, Selfheal.A UK native, found growing naturally by roadsides, in meadows or on the edges of woodlands. Creating wonderful semi-evergreen weed-supressing groundcover, short stems hold clusters of violet-blue blooms from June to September. The young leaves can be included in salads or soups, and the whole plant eaten as a leafy vegetable when boiled.Included in many RHS show gardens, the importance of caring for our local wildlife has increased in recent years. No garden is too small to happily host insect and birds. Present a veritable feast of seeds, leaves, nectar, and pollen, whilst creating a safe habitat for shelter and a perfect place to breed. Prunella vulgaris, with an RHS hardiness rating of H5, reaches a mature height and spread of 30cm. A perennial which prefers to be grown in moist, well-drained soil in sun or part shade.
When To Plant













Planting Month

Foliage Month

Flowering Month

Key Information
Latin Name Prunella vulgaris YP
Common Name Selfheal
Hardiness H5 (-10 to -15°C)
Colour Purple
Type Perennial
Format Young Plants
Position Full-Sun, Part-Shade, Part-Sun
Height in Maturity (m) 0.30 m
Spread in Maturity (m) 0.30
Soil Conditions Chalk Clay Loam Sand
Aspect East-facing, North-facing, South-facing, West-facing
Good for pots Yes
Good for Rockeries Yes
Good for wildlife Yes
Good for pollinators Yes
Good for cutting Yes
Good for groundcover Yes

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