Gardening Tips & Tricks

  1. How to Garden Through the Year

    How to Garden Through the Year

    Gardening is not just for spring and summer, to get the very best from your garden it is a long term relationship. Like most things in life the old adage “you get out what you put in” is true and ...

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  2. How to Prune Plants

    How to Prune Plants

    Pruning and cutting back plants, shrubs and trees should be undertaken as part of your general healthcare regime in the garden. Performing these tasks will not only tidy up your plants overall ...

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  3. How To Lasagne Plant Bulbs

    How To Lasagne Plant Bulbs

    Introduction In our humble opinion here at Hayloft you can never have enough bulbs. They welcome in the growing season in Spring with snowdrops, crocus, daffodils and hyacinth. They then provide ...

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  4. How to Create a Mediterranean Garden

    How to Create a Mediterranean Garden

    A Mediterranean garden will whisk you away to warmer climates with an abundance of hot tones, plumy textures and intense fragrance. A glamorous garden setting where unusual and exotic blooms take ...

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  5. How to Create and Fill a Raised Garden Bed

    How to Create and Fill a Raised Garden Bed

    For many of us, the main benefit of a raised garden bed is the ability to garden with a lot less bending and kneeling! The plus points do not end there, though. Raised beds also drain well, and the ...

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  6. Why is Garden Positioning Important?

    Why is Garden Positioning Important?

    INTRODUCTION TEST Imposing, unusual and dramatic, Urginea are a diverse family, most originate in dry arid areas of Europe and western Asia, seen growing in rocky coastal areas. Full Sun A plant that ...

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  7. How to Encourage Wildlife

    How to Encourage Wildlife

    Encouraging wildlife into your garden can provide huge benefits to your plants and to the creatures that roam and settle within it. If your garden is a little short of feathered, furry and winged ...

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  8. Wet Soil

    Wet Soil

    A perfect combination of air and water are vital to support a plants root system.Most plants that are placed in saturated soil will have insufficient drainage and oxygen, often leading to root decay....

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  9. How to create a Bee friendly garden

    How to create a Bee friendly garden

    Every gardener knows how important bees are to the garden. The bees need to pollen to feed, and we need them to pollinate our gardens – it is a mutually beneficial relationship. The reality is that ...

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