Garden Trends To Look Out For In 2024

Garden Trends To Look Out For In 2024

Garden Trends To Look Out For In 2024

Recent years have seen the rise of houseplants, wildflowers and climate change gardening but what will 2024 hold? It’s a brand new year, which means there will be plenty of new gardening trends and ideas. Keep reading for some of the garden trends to look out for in 2024.


We are all becoming more and more environmentally conscious in all aspects of our lives and so when it comes to gardening, many of us are turning to more sustainable method. This includes using less plastic, opting for natural pesticides and making your own compost. The great thing about having an eco-friendly garden is that it is so easy and simple and just implementing a few more sustainable ways of gardening can make a huge impact.

eco friendly and nature
succulent mix


The recent houseplant trend is going nowhere fast, as they continue to grow in popularity. Succulents are a particular favourite among houseplant lovers and people are now searching for more interesting varieties with colourful foliage.


View our range of houseplants by clicking here

Grow your own

More and more of us are opting to grow our own fruit and vegetables, as we continue to be conscious of where our food comes from and the journey it takes to get to us. We’re also opting for more organic foods and vegan and plant-based diets are on the rise too. Growing your own food is not only incredibly rewarding and brings a great sense of achievement but we think it also tastes ten times better too!

Read our blog post on our top 10 fruit to grow here

View our range of fruit here

eryngium jade frost

Wildlife friendly gardening

Unfortunately, much of our beloved British wildlife is declining. As a result, us gardeners are turning our gardens into much more wildlife friendly areas, be that creating safe homes for animals, providing food for them or opting for wildflowers and pollinator-friendly plants.

Blue hues

Blue has been named as the colour of the year for 2020 and we are bound to see this in the gardening world too. Whether it be plant pots, flowers or blueberries, blue will remain a sought after colour for gardens.

muscari artist
vertical gardening

Vertical Gardening

As urban life is ever increasing and more people than ever are living in cities where space is very limited, they are turning to other methods of gardening to make the most out of the space that they have in the form of vertical gardening. Living walls and the repurposing of palettes is becoming very popular for those who are looking to save some space.

Beth joined Hayloft when she was just 16 and has been a mainstay ever since. She has worn many hats, starting in customer care before moving to the marketing team, and she now runs Hayloft's reader offer department. You will see her in many national newspapers and magazines.