Jobs for July

Jobs for July

Jobs for July

Traditionally July is one of the hottest times of the year where we can reap the benefits of our efforts in the garden from dawn until dusk. Most of the jobs will be easy going if you have maintained a strict schedule to this point, so it is the perfect opportunity to take in the beauty that you have created over the past six months. However, do not be tempted to leave your garden untouched – take a few minutes each evening to potter around whilst continuously adjusting and improving.


Cut back


Be aware of garden pests

Mow lawns

Take cuttings

Lift and store

Take care of birds

Check plants 

Plant half hardy annuals

Cutting Back

Cut back any fading perennials to keep the borders neat and tidy.

Cut back growth in pots, containers and hanging baskets to encourage new flowers and foliage. It may be necessary to apply a generous amount of feed to your baskets once this has been undertaken.

cutting back

Watering Regime

Undertake a strict watering regime within flower beds and pots, ensuring not to over water

watering regimes


Be on high alert for garden pests including slugs and snails.

consider garden pests


Mow lawns on a regular basis to keep them neat and tidy and feed with lawn fertiliser to encourage healthy growth. Tidy and neaten the edges.

regularly mow lawns and trim

Plant Cuttings

Take cuttings from tender perennial plants so that you can over winter them indoors within a mild and consistent temperature – environments such as greenhouses are perfect.

take cuttings from tender perennials

Lifting and Storing

Lift and store your favourite spring flowering bulbs such as Tulips and Hyacinths

lift and store spring-flowering bulbs


Keep bird baths and feed topped up.

top up bird baths

Checks and Watering

Check plants in your greenhouse daily and water in the morning.

check and water greenhouse plants

Planting Half Hardy Annuals

Plant half hardy annuals such as Cosmos, Petunia and Nemesia

plant half hardy annuals
Beth joined Hayloft when she was just 16 and has been a mainstay ever since. She has worn many hats, starting in customer care before moving to the marketing team, and she now runs Hayloft's reader offer department. You will see her in many national newspapers and magazines.