gardening jobs for February
gardening jobs for February

By February, spring is on the horizon, warmer weather is on the way, and new growth and changes are happening in your garden. So, what jobs are there to do in the garden now? Read more about the gardening jobs for February.
Pruning Roses

It's a fantastic time to prune back your roses toward the end of February. If you're attempting hard cut backs (don't cut beyond any dead wood!). If you're not sure how to prune your roses - here's a guide here
Planting hardy perennials & in the green bulbs

Plant your hardy herbaceous perennial plants and in the green bulbs like Snowdrops and Bluebells, provided the ground isn't completely frosted over, it's a great opportunity to get the roots established ready for foliage and flowers to appear from spring and summer or winter next year for the likes of snowdrops.
Weed control!

Remove weeds as you see them as they can become prevalent during this time of year, it's a prevantative measure as opposed to a permanent one. For best results, make sure to lift the whole root of the weed. Alternatively, before planting new borders, add a layer of weed stop first, or even flattened cardboard you have lying around, this will help stop the light reaching where you don't want anything to grow, don't forget to weigh it down with rocks/pots.
Water your plants

Provide water to plants that are looking a little dry, especially those that are planted in containers, it's a myth you can't water in winter! It's amazing how dry plants can get from just brisk winds too.
Watch the cold weather

When the weather becomes a little warmer and all signs of frost have passed, you may wish to remove fleece and straw to prevent plants from sweating and ultimately rotting, we still get quite cold nights during february, so be careful!
Improving your soil

Load on the organic matter and mulch to your borders if you haven't already, turn it over in your borders, or add as a layer to your potted plants, it may give a little boost to the nutrients in the soil as well as providing moisture retentative qualities and even drainage from aerating the soil. What's aerating you ask? Adding 'air' to the soil, simply by using a garden fork and adding small holes to the soil or even loosening and turning over the soil will really help. Try not to walk back over these areas, especially if there's clay or heavy rain due, it may compact it more!
Sow seeds inside

Don't forget to check the back of seed packets for when you can sow some some of your seeds indoors, plants like Sweet Peas, Cornflowers, Cosmos, Broad Beans, Delphiniums and Begonias to name a few are good for February sowing.