

  1. How to apply Mulch

    How to apply Mulch

    Mulch is often necessary to improve the overall appearance of beds and borders whilst providing additional nutrients to the soil and suppressing those pesky weeds. What is mulch? Mulch is a term used ...

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  2. How to Prune Roses

    How to Prune Roses

    Bush Roses- English, Hybrid and Floribundas: These varieties of Rose can be pruned during late winter/early spring when the first signs of growth start to emerge. Remove all dead, diseased and ...

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  3. Garden Styles

    Garden Styles

    So, we’ve just entered a new year and we’re stuck in another national lockdown; what else is there to do but focus on our homes and gardens? Everyone needs to stay safe and stay home where ...

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  4. Jobs for July

    Jobs for July

    Traditionally July is one of the hottest times of the year where we can reap the benefits of our efforts in the garden from dawn until dusk. Most of the jobs will be easy going if you have maintained ...

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  5. Top 10 Inspirational Bedding Plants for 2020

    Top 10 Inspirational Bedding Plants for 2020

    It may seem far away, but now is the perfect time to start planning for summer and autumn. With the launch of our new Inspirational Sensations catalogue which is full of bedding plants guaranteed to ...

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  6. Pruning Trees and Shrubs

    Pruning Trees and Shrubs

    When to Prune Trees and Shrubs: Energy is stored within new shoots and so it is recommended to prune whilst your shrubs or trees are either dormant or just before emerging growth. However, the exact ...

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  7. How to Garden Through the Year

    How to Garden Through the Year

    Gardening is not just for spring and summer, to get the very best from your garden it is a long term relationship. Like most things in life the old adage “you get out what you put in” is true and ...

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  8. Top 10 Trending Plants 2022

    Top 10 Trending Plants 2022

    As we emerge, blinking, into the new year, our attentions inevitably turn to the months ahead and the pending spring with all its joyful vigour and vitality. For those with an interest in gardening (...

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  9. Halloween at Home- Pumpkin Vase

    Halloween at Home- Pumpkin Vase

    For a real wow factor, why not try carving a pumpkin and using it as the vase? What you will need: PumpkinA knifePot or containerWaterFlowers Step One To do this, you’ll want to get a pumpkin, ...

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