Tulipa 'Rhapsody of Smiles'

Common name: Tulip

A sunny, heart-warming and stylish variety of bloom

-15 to -20°C
Good Cut Flowers
Good for Pollinators

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A ‘Single Late’ variety of tulip which produces bicoloured flowers in May each year. The golden yellow and red-orange flames, flushes and stripes which mark the graceful, slightly elongated petals makes this an unusual and exciting new arrival for 2024. Tulipa ‘Rhapsody of Smiles’ is happy to settle in rockeries, pots or open-ground – this is an adaptable tulip which reaches a height of up to 50cm with a spread of around 15cm. The foliage of Tulipa ‘Rhapsody of Smiles’ is rich green in colour and emerges in March as strap-shaped leaves which accent the vibrant blooms above. Allow the leaves to die back naturally, around June time, before removing as this will reinvigorate bulbs ready for flowering again the following spring. Prefers a spot in fertile, well-drained soil of any kind except heavy clay and position in full sun or partial shade. A hardy (H6) bulbous perennial which should not require additional winter protection if planting in the ground.
When To Plant













Planting Month

Foliage Month

Flowering Month

Key Information
Latin Name Tulipa 'Rhapsody of Smiles'
Common Name Tulip
Hardiness H6 (-15 to -20°C)
Colour Yellow
Format Bulbs
Position Full-Sun, Part-Shade
Height in Maturity (m) 0.50 m
Spread in Maturity (m) 0.15
Soil Conditions Chalk Loam Sand
Aspect East-facing, South-facing, West-facing
Good for pots Yes
Good for wildlife Yes
Good for pollinators Yes
Good for cutting Yes

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