Vibrant and showy, a new twist on the traditional pansy. Cheerful, almost face-like blooms of Pansy ‘Frizzle Sizzle Yellow Blue Swirl’ are fun and quirky. Full and bushy, the compact semi-evergreen foliage of Pansy ‘Frizzle Sizzle Yellow Blue Swirl’ becomes enveloped with an abundance of large, double, yellow and blue blooms. Each petal is crinkled as if frizzled and sizzled, hence the name. Known by the botanical name, Viola x wittrockiana, a grand name for one of our much-loved garden favourites. It is said that the sweetly scented blooms can be eaten raw adding fabulous colour to salads, though they taste a little bitter, with a grassy flavour. Alternatively crystallise the blooms for a colourful, decorative garnish. Bright and happy colours to brighten up your late winter and spring garden. Happy in baskets, borders, containers and window boxes, Pansy ‘Frizzle Sizzle Yellow Blue Swirl’ grows to a height and spread of around 25-30cm. Prefers a well-drained soil of any kind and a