A boisterous and bountiful bloom with an intriguing, colour changing habit which was registered in 1996 and has become increasingly popular since. Flowers emerge in May to June and are a fantastically hot red-pink, as blooms mature, they gradually fade through shades of pink to light, peachy-hued beauties, culminating as creamy white pom-poms. It is easy to understand why this variety has such a prestigious name - it certainly puts on a show fit for royalty! Even better, flowers are up to 20cm across, amongst the largest of all peony varieties, and have an extended vase life of up to 14 days so are ideal for inside your home too. Plant Paeonia lactiflora Command Performance in moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil which benefits from full sun or partial shade. A hardy, herbaceous perennial which does not require protection over winter, plants lose their leaves around October time then re-sprout the following April ready to put on their fantastic show once more. With a height and spread of 1m this is a taller variety that is happy in open ground or a large container.
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month