How to Create an Urban Garden

How to Create an Urban Garden

How to Create an Urban Garden

There is endless scope of creativity to be exposed within urban spaces. Whether you have a balcony, terrace or rooftop garden, there are so many innovative ideas out there to grow your favourite plants, alongside decorating and embellishing an otherwise concrete jungle.

For those creating an urban garden within city spaces, pots and containers are vital to bring colour, scent and nature into an often grey and neutral environment. For those with flower beds and borders, enrich the planting area with organic matter or compost to improve nourishment and drainage.

echinacea lakota red

Planting an urban garden:

  • Although some urban gardens are restricted by space, there is much scope to become creative with the ways in which we embellish our outside spaces.
  • Create a haven of foliage by potting up Heuchera, Acer and an abundance of ferns such as Dryopteris. They are the perfect addition to cover unsightly objects and features with a colourful and bushy habit.
  • Relinquish an abundance of colour using compact plants such as Rudbeckia, Echinacea and Zinnia which are fantastic additions to pots and containers.
  • During the warmer months, a collection of succulents are perfect for small spaces as they not only colourful but low maintenance.
rudbeckia enchanted flame
Beth joined Hayloft when she was just 16 and has been a mainstay ever since. She has worn many hats, starting in customer care before moving to the marketing team, and she now runs Hayloft's reader offer department. You will see her in many national newspapers and magazines.