Guide to Growing Summer Bedding Plants

Guide to Growing Summer Bedding Plants

Guide to Growing Summer Bedding Plants

When to plant summer bedding

Whilst it’s tempting to start planting out your summer bedding in March or April, be patient gardeners. As summer bedding plants are typically tender or half hardy at the most, it’s best to wait until towards the end of May to get planting, when all risk of frosts has passed, and your plants won’t be killed off by cold weather.

where to plant summer bedding

Where to plant summer bedding

Bedding plants are suitable for a wide range of spaces including borders, beds, containers, window boxes and baskets, just so long as the soil is well-draining, and they are preferably in a position of full sun, however some will cope with partial shade.

How to plant summer bedding

1. If you’re planning on growing your plants in the ground, prepare the soil firstly by removing any weeds.

2. Amend the planting area with a generous amount of compost. This will help improve the soils drainage and give your plants the nutrients that they need in order to flourish.

3. If you have poor soil, then you may also wish to lightly mix in some balanced fertilizer granules to improve its quality.

4. Plants should be spaced around 15-30cm (6-12in) apart but this will vary depending on the size on the mature size of the plants you are using. Dig holes for your plants that are big enough to accommodate the size of the root ball and place your plants into the holes so that the top of the root ball is level with the soil. Gently firm the plants in.

5. After planting, make sure to give your plants a deep and thorough water to settle the soil into place.

How to care for summer bedding - Watering:

Summer bedding plants will require watering every day, particularly if they are growing in containers and baskets. They should not be allowed to dry out, as this will result in your plants wilting and possibly dying. The best time to water your plants is early in the morning or in the evening, as less water will be evaporated by hot sun, making your watering much more effective.

How to care for summer bedding- Feeding:

For your bedding plants to flourish, you should provide them with a regular feed throughout the summer to provide them with additional nutrients which will encourage better flowering and a stronger, healthier plant. A potassium rich feed is ideal, such as tomato feed which you can purchase for very little money. This should be applied to your plants once a week. Alternatively, you can use a slow release fertiliser which works by releasing fertiliser over a few months.

Our plant magic fertiliser works a charm, ensuring your plants are have optimal growth conditions, have better disease resistance and their season of flowering will extend without weakening your plants in any way. It’s also pet friendly and environmentally friendly too.

how to feed summer bedding

How to care for summer bedding - Deadheading:

As soon as any flowers fade, make sure to pinch off the flowerheads. This will encourage your plants to produce even more flowers, as they are not wasting their energy producing seeds, giving you months and months of colourful blooms. It also will improve the overall look of your displays by removing any dead, brown flowers.

Take a look at our new inspiration bedding catalogue range by clicking here

Beth joined Hayloft when she was just 16 and has been a mainstay ever since. She has worn many hats, starting in customer care before moving to the marketing team, and she now runs Hayloft's reader offer department. You will see her in many national newspapers and magazines.