Diascia Little Dancer

Common name: Twinspur

Bright pink, bubbly and beautiful

-1 to -5°C
Good for Pollinators

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The diascia family are native relatives of the foxglove and the open mouth blooms bear a familial resemblance to these garden favourites. The flowers of Diascia ‘Little Dancer’ form tiny pink bubbles along the stems which develop into frothing streams of flowers which are held from May to October. Foliage has a bushy, mound-forming habit and is semi-evergreen so may be retained all year in milder parts of the UK. Although frequently grown as an annual, diascia are actually half-hardy (H3) perennials which will flower again the following spring if overwintered away from hard frosts. The candy pink tones of Diascia ‘Little Dancer’ are perfect planted in baskets, pots and raised beds where you can take advantage of the semi-trailing habit. Alternatively, use at the front of a border, where their weed-suppressing, ground covering abilities will also be invaluable. Plant in a south or east facing spot which benefits from full sun or partial shade. Happy in any soil which is moist yet well-drained and deadhead plants as required to prolong and promote flowering.
Flower and Foliage Months













Foliage Month

Flowering Month

Key Information
Latin Name Diascia 'Little Dancer'
Common Name Twinspur
Hardiness H3 (-1 to -5°C)
Colour Pink
Type Perennial
Format Young Plants
Position Full-Sun, Part-Shade, Part-Sun
Foliage Semi-Evergreen
Height in Maturity (m) 0.20 m
Spread in Maturity (m) 0.30
Soil Conditions Chalk Clay Loam Sand
Soil Acidity Acid Alkaline Neutral
Aspect East-facing, South-facing
Good for pots Yes
Good for hanging baskets Yes
Good for Rockeries Yes
Good for wildlife Yes
Good for pollinators Yes
Good for groundcover Yes

What Will I Receive?

Young Plants


Potted Plants


Bare Roots


Bulbs & Corms
