Cephalanthus occidentalis is an unusual shrubby plant with a powerful, sweet scent which is sure to delight. Native to North American wetlands, plants will adapt to most soils except very dry areas. Rarely seen in the UK and sure to draw compliments with its clusters of sweetly scented, fuzzy, white flowers, borne from July to September. Flowers are up to 3cm in size and these globe-like spheres with protruding stamens give a beautiful, starburst effect. Blooms are rich in nectar and pollen, so your local pollinators are sure to be drawn in. As each bloom matures, it shifts to a golden-brown, ball-like cluster of fruit in autumn, providing a winter feed for our birds. The handsome, glossy, green foliage with red veins turns yellow and orange in autumn before falling for the winter. Cephalanthus occidentalis prefers moist, humus rich soil which is loam or sand based. Plants are well suited to shrubby borders and even shallow water at the edge of ponds. Best in full sun, plants ma
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month