Indoor Plants

Indoor Plants

Indoor Plants

We all love the outdoors! Who doesn't?! This makes it all the more disheartening when people say that they are lacking in outdoor space, with some not having any outdoor space at all! We can only wish to provide people with the opportunity to enjoy an expanse of lawn, a large patio area or a sweeping flower bed and border.

There is a trending theme at the moment, focused on bringing the outdoors, in. This isn't just targeted to people with limited outdoor space either.

Just recently, floral patterns and foliage prints have been at the forefront of interior design too. Wallpaper patterns of leafy shapes, voluptuously sized blooms, fruits, berries or woodland settings are increasingly appealing, combined with matching accessories comprising of cushion covers, throws, ornaments and framed prints.

Trends will always move full circle. The concept of enlightening a house with plumy textures, colour and a general injection of peace and tranquility was a popular notion during the 60's and 70's which has made a successful comeback over the past year or so, depicting a lifestyle of sophistication and purity - perfect for the holistic-minded.

lilium golden romance

Houseplants and alike are not only for those who are reminiscent of the care-free attitudes and morals of the 60's and 70's but are also an increasingly fashionable item for the young. Social media feeds are jam-packed with lifestyle shots, perfectly preened sets and imagery of 'going green' within an urban environment, harnessing a puristic and 'at one with nature' fulfillment.

Houseplants have become an increasingly popular addition to homes where there is limited outdoor space. This is also indisputable for office environments too. Plants are a calming influence, reducing stress levels whilst increasing productivity, making them the perfect embellishment to an office desk for more than one reason.

pyracantha red star

Make a statement feature with colourful planters. Create your own style. Put herbs in tin cans, jars or rustic wooden boxes. Put a succulent into an unused china tea cup. The possibilities are endless! You do not need reams of space to create your own mini sanctuary of Eden either. Fill small gaps with a large container plant or maybe collect several smaller pots to create a colourful combination with varying height and texture. This can often transform the entire look and atmosphere of a inside space.


Perhaps if you are not blessed with floor space, you can utilise space in and around furniture, ornaments and lighting. Hanging planters are an incredibly fashionable way to showcase your favourite plants. Bars and restaurants are becoming creative and innovative with their decor, combining lighting and plants to set a tranquil yet lively scene and mood. Plants immediately make you feel at ease when lowered over a bar or a table, almost purifying the air and atmosphere around you. Wall mounted masterpieces are also evident within inner cities. Whatever your preference, style or space you can always bring a little bit of the outdoors to your home or small outside spaces. Challenge yourself and get creative.

Beth joined Hayloft when she was just 16 and has been a mainstay ever since. She has worn many hats, starting in customer care before moving to the marketing team, and she now runs Hayloft's reader offer department. You will see her in many national newspapers and magazines.