how to care for young plants
how to care for young plants

Have you ordered some young plants from us? Here's a step-by-step care guide with what to do next! It is recommended that young plants should be transplanted into pots for 4-6 weeks. This will help them to develop into strong and healthy plants before they are positioned in the garden. Continue reading for how to care for young plants, or watch the handy video here!
Step 1:

On arrival, unpack young plants immediately by gently removing them from each cell. We recommend giving them a light water, you can even do this by standing them up in the cells and letting them absorb a smaller amount to help the roots hydrate.
Step 2:

It's important to pot up your young plants before putting them outside, we recommend planting up in 9cm pots with multi-purpose compost. Fill your chosen pots, create a little well in the centre, and before placing your young plants in, be sure to lightly tease the plug roots first, fully submerge the root ball and lightly water.
Step 3:

Pop in a bright, airy and moderately warm environment (greenhouse or conservatory) or even a windowsill if you haven't got too many pots! After 4-6 weeks, you can start hardening off your potted plants in preparation for transplanting to the garden. Once all risk of frost has passed (watch out for any late spring frosts!), stand the plants outside in the day, bringing them indoors overnight. Watch out for hot spots in the summer and heavy wind too, we want to minimise any damage to the new growth!
Step 4:

It's been a little journey from young plant, to settling in pots for 4-6 weeks, and now you've nurtured them outside during the day for a week too, it's now time to relocate your plants to their final growing position. Whether that's in a larger pot or in the border, there should be plenty of root growth to give them the best chance! Simply remember to regularly water.