How to Care for Young Plants

How to Care for Young Plants

How to Care for Young Plants

Where you have ordered a plant with the code beginning ‘YP’, you shall receive your chosen variety in the form of a young plant.

It is recommended that young plants should be transplanted into pots for 4-6 weeks. This will help them to develop into strong and healthy plants before they are positioned in the garden.

Step 1:

On arrival, unpack young plants immediately by gently removing them from each cell.

unpack and remove young plants
find a suitable place

Step 2:

Locate in a bright, airy and moderately warm environment (greenhouse or conservatory) and place into pots that contain multi-purpose compost.

Step 3:

Water plants well, ensuring the compost is moist, taking care not to overwater as this will damage young plants.

move into garden once ready

Step 4:

After 4-6 weeks, you may harden off young plants in preparation for transplanting to the garden. Once all risk of frost has passed, stand plants outside in the day, bringing them indoors overnight. This process should be undertaken for a 7-10-day period for best results.

Step 5:

Re-locate your plants to their final planting position incorporating a suitable mulch or compost into the planting area. Water thoroughly and deeply and continue to do so until they are fully established.

re-locate plants and water
Beth joined Hayloft when she was just 16 and has been a mainstay ever since. She has worn many hats, starting in customer care before moving to the marketing team, and she now runs Hayloft's reader offer department. You will see her in many national newspapers and magazines.