how to care for Potted Plants
how to care for Potted Plants

Where you have ordered a plant with the code beginning ‘PT’, you shall receive your chosen variety in 5cm, 7cm or 9cm pots (or larger...stated on product description and order confirmation). Potted plants will be at the next stage of development and are for those of you who prefer instant gardening. Potted plants, regardless of their size will have a well-established root system and can be planted out in the garden immediately. If you're new to gardening or need a little reminder for how to care for potted plants, let's keep reading!
Step 1:

Choose a suitable site as described in the cultural notes of your chosen variety and follow the instructions. For example, if it love south-facing borders in chalk/loam soil, try to avoid shade-loving plants that like moist/damp sites!
Step 2:

When you receive your plant, take it out of the packaging immediately, and ensure to give a thorough water, especially during the summer months, watch out not to shock your plants by putting them in direct sun or deep frosted areas of the garden, they may need a little time to acclimatise.
Step 3:

Hopefully, you've already chosen where to plant your plant, now is the time to get digging! It's best to dig a hole that is both deep and wide enough for your potted plant, generally a third or half size than what's it's currently in to provide the roots enough space to grow!
Step 4:

Supplement the native soil with a generous amount of compost and mix well, or if you're planting in pots, fresh compost is always much welcomed too!
Step 5:

When planting, remove from it's original pot, gently tease the roots (this will help them reach their roots out amongst the soil quicker!), place into the hole you've created, replace soil around the perimeter with fresh compost, and firmy place remaining soil on top, being careful not to submerge beyond a root ball of your plant. You can add a layer of mulch too, this will help during winter to insulate and summer for water retention.