Halloween at Home- Pumpkin Vase

Halloween at Home- Pumpkin Vase

Halloween at Home- Pumpkin Vase

For a real wow factor, why not try carving a pumpkin and using it as the vase?

What you will need:


A knife

Pot or container



Step One

To do this, you’ll want to get a pumpkin, whatever size you like, and cut a circle around the stem with a knife, making sure the hole is big enough to push a pot through.

scoop out the pumpkin

Step Two

Scoop out the insides and pat the inside walls dry. Next, grab a pot or container (it won’t be seen so don’t worry what it looks like), fill it with water and place your beautiful arrangement in the pot.

add a pot inside

Step Three 

All you need to do now is slide the pot into the hollow pumpkin and voilà. We hate wasting anything here at Hayloft and over the years we’ve found lots of great recipes that use the pumpkin guts, so don’t throw them away!

Make yourself a lovely pumpkin soup or roast the seeds for a snack.

save the seeds and guts
Beth joined Hayloft when she was just 16 and has been a mainstay ever since. She has worn many hats, starting in customer care before moving to the marketing team, and she now runs Hayloft's reader offer department. You will see her in many national newspapers and magazines.