Tulipa 'Apricona'

Common name: Tulip

Early, apricot shades for peachy perfection

-15 to -20°C
Good Cut Flowers
Good for Pollinators

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Tulipa 'Apricona' is a new and exciting Triumph tulip which flowers early, in April, bringing its warming, fruity hues to the spring garden. A reliable perennial which is fantastic planted 'en masse' in swathes through the border or a grassed area. Also happy in pots, Tulipa 'Apricona' is ideal for lasagne planting - whereby bulbs successionally emerge for long-lived spring and summer displays - and looks incredible alongside other tulips, irises and even bluebells.Tulipa 'Apricona' likes to be planted in well-drained soil where it benefits from full sun with any aspect other than north facing. A hardy, bulbous perennial which reaches 40cm in height, with a spread of around 15cm. Plant in autumn so that the bulbs receive the prerequisite 'cold snap' which prompts them into their growth cycle. Deadhead once blooms are spent and allow foliage to die back before removal as this restores nutrients to the bulb in preparation for flowering the following year.
When To Plant













Planting Month

Foliage Month

Flowering Month

Key Information
Latin Name Tulipa 'Apricona' 12+ size bulb 15 bag
Common Name Tulip
Hardiness H6 (-15 to -20°C)
Colour Pink
Format Bulbs
Position Full-Sun
Height in Maturity (m) 0.40 m
Spread in Maturity (m) 0.15
Soil Conditions Chalk Loam Sand
Aspect East-facing, South-facing, West-facing
Drought Tolerant Yes
Good for pots Yes
Good for Rockeries Yes
Good for wildlife Yes
Good for pollinators Yes
Good for cutting Yes

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