A golden trident projects from mottled, silvery green foliageRadiating vitality even in deep shade, Trillium luteum is a flowering plant found growing naturally in moist, shady woodlands throughout S.E USA. Leaves emerge in spring, mid green with distinct pale green marbling, followed closely by lightly lemon-scented, bright yellow flowers. Both foliage and flower are stalkless, occurring instead directly from the main stem. It is this which gives the neat 'cup and saucer' appearance for which many trilliums are prized. Foliage remains long after flowers have gone, continuing to look lush and healthy into the summer. This trillium is vigorous and clump forming, and though slow to establish will eventually create swathes of verdant interest. Prefer fertile, moist, well-drained soil (trilliums will not tolerate drying out, though nor will they withstand waterlogging), ideally neutral to acid, in deep or partial shade. H&S: 45cm x 45cm. Hardy perennial.
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month