Schizachyrium scoparium Ha Ha Tonka YP

Common name: Little Bluestem

-15 to -20°C
Good Cut Flowers

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A tall and dramatic grass which forms imposing clumps of foliage from March to November each year. Ideal for prairie planting or softening the edges of rockeries and pathways. The sensual swishing movement this beauty lends to your garden is enhanced by flowering, tufty stems in August and September. Whats more stems are covered in masses of tiny hairs which give magical impact as the sunlight alights upon them or if decorated with frost in wintertime. Schizachyrium scoparium Ha Ha Tonka changes colour throughout the seasons, emerging with blue tinges then taking on red and orange flashes as it matures. Ideal for cutting, groundcover and attracting wildlife this is an adaptable plant which will also thrive in containers and offer valuable shelter to wildlife. Reaches mature size of 1m x 1m in 3-5 years. Unfussy on soil type, although Schizachyrium scoparium Ha Ha Tonka likes a north or west facing aspect in moist, well-drained soil with full sun. Cut back old stems in winter (or early spring if foliage is wanted for winter structural interest). A hardy perennial which should not need additional winter protection throughout most of the UK.
When To Plant













Planting Month

Foliage Month

Flowering Month

Key Information
Latin Name Schizachyrium scoparium Ha Ha Tonka YP
Common Name Little Bluestem
Hardiness H6 (-15 to -20°C)
Colour Green
Format Young Plants
Position Full-Sun
Height in Maturity (m) 1.00 m
Spread in Maturity (m) 1.00
Soil Conditions Clay Loam Sand
Aspect North-facing, West-facing
Drought Tolerant Yes
Good for pots Yes
Good for Rockeries Yes
Good for wildlife Yes
Good for cutting Yes
Good for groundcover Yes

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