Salvia 'Love and Wishes' is an exciting addition to the Wish Series of Salvia and joins the ever popular 'Wendy's Wish' (which was first discovered in 2005 growing in a garden in Australia) and 'Ember's Wish'. This, alongside its counterparts, brings sensational, open-mouthed blooms in loose clusters from June to October and often longer. Flowers are held high on sumptuously dark stems above aromatic, green foliage. Stems will sway in breezes and offer up their scintillating scent when brushed or pressed by passing traffic as well as acting as a veritable magnet for bees and other pollinators. Salvia 'Love and Wishes' is beneficially drought tolerant once established and will happily thrive in beds and borders and containers, preferring to grow in any well-drained soil except clay, which benefits from full sun or partial shade and a south or west facing aspect. Salvia 'Love and Wishes is a half-hardy, herbaceous perennial with an RHS hardiness rating of H3; so a winter mulch or other protection may be required if temperatures drop below -5 C. Plants reach a maximum height of 80cm with a spread of 50cm.