Watertight, durable and extremely lightweight, these trendy plastic pots are perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. Resembling cup cake or muffin cases with their fun-loving, zig-zag tops are just perfect for mini-green mounds of foliage all lined up and ready to get the party started. Alternatively, the angular form and bright red finish brings a lovely pop of colour to any space and contrasts beautifully with opposites from the colour wheel such as the cooler blues and purples of pansies, lobelia and muscari. Equally complimentary to the lush green foliage of a house plant - particularly succulents and ferns or cacti.At 14cm in diameter and 11cm high this medium-sized container fits neatly onto a mantelpiece or garden ledge as well as being perfect for an indoor side table or a bistro table outside. Also available in white and yellow for even more intensely colourful impact and a collaborative collection of plants.
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month