The classic Pyrus communis 'Conference' is a well-known and popular dessert pear and the most widely grown in the UK. Since coming first in the National Pear Conference in 1885, (hence the name), 'Conference' has become a favourite around the globe. With a tolerance of cold and shady conditions, good resistance to disease and a reliably heavy crop of firm, juicy fruit it has an excellent reputation among growers. Pyrus communis 'Conference' is suitable for all training forms and this variety will grow exceptionally well as a small tree. Its fruit stores particularly well in cool, dark conditions - allowing you to still enjoy them in January. Blossom is white and early to burst in March or April - making it a valuable source of nectar for eager pollinators and adding floriferous interest to your garden. Plant in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun of any type except clay. Reaches an unpruned height and spread of 2.5m and is self-fertile, though will crop most heavily with another pear variety nearby. A fully hardy deciduous tree.