A relative of the mint family, this deciduous, hardy perennial not only has wonderful, funky pink flowers, its foliage also releases an intense and appealing scent when moved or crushed. Monarda didyma 'Pink Lace' is a clump forming plant with raggedy, robust cherry pink blooms above vibrant green foliage, which emerges in spring and lasts through to mid-autumn. Much loved by bees, (another common name is Beebalm), the flowers appear in mid-summer and last collectively for up to 2 months. Dead heading flowers once they are spent will encourage further blooms to emerge for maximum impact.Prefers a moist, well-drained loamy soil with any aspect other than north-facing. Monarda didyma 'Pink Lace' is best planted between March and September in a spot where it benefits from full sun. As a hardy plant (H5) it requires no winter protection and is easily propagated by division in spring (once mature clumps have been formed). Grows to a height of 45cm with a spread of up to 60cm.
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month