A wonderfully strong, heavy-duty container for your larger plants, shrubs, and trees. Perfect for growing oversized tropical treasures like bananas or palms as the rim has two comfortable and strong carrying handles, ensuring it is easy to lift and move to an alternative, protected spot for the winter. Also great for growing a large heathy crop of potatoes or other vegetables or fantastic fruiting trees.Amazingly hard-wearing, being made from durable, recycled, black polyethylene (PE), your Mastelli pot will easily cope with any weather conditions with no problems, lasting you for many years to come.Holding a capacity of 30 litres this heavy-duty black pot weighs 0.95kg and is 33cm high with a width and depth of 40cm. Excellent for either indoor (with a horticultural saucer) or outdoor use, the large drainage holes will ensure that the plant roots won't get waterlogged whilst old, depleted nutrients are flushed away to be replaced with new.
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month