Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote White YP

Common name: English Lavender

Scented spikes of snowy white blooms

-10 to -15°C
Good Cut Flowers
Good for Pollinators
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A quintessential plant of any cottage garden, Lavandula is also incredibly versatile, perfect for any planting situation contemporary or traditional. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote White’ is no exception to this rule with its unconventional icy white, scented flowers. Fragrant blooms appear in mid-summer to early autumn above aromatic, compact slivery-grey narrow leaved, evergreen foliage. Plant along front of borders, pathways, or seating areas so the full sensory experience can be appreciated. A bee and butterfly magnet and is an ideal addition to any wildlife area. These densely packed flowers have therapeutic powers and are ideal for your garden and your home, either fresh or dried. Enjoy ultimate relaxation by adding some dried sprigs to your bath. The beneficial oil too has been used for centuries in cosmetics and fragrances, and medicinally because of the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory benefits. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote White’ prefers well-drained soil in any sunny asp
When To Plant













Planting Month

Foliage Month

Flowering Month

Key Information
Latin Name Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote White' YP
Common Name English Lavender
Hardiness H5 (-10 to -15°C)
Colour White
Format Young Plants
Position Full-Sun
Height in Maturity (m) 0.50 m
Spread in Maturity (m) 0.50
Soil Conditions Chalk Loam Sand
Aspect East-facing, South-facing, West-facing
Scented Yes
Drought Tolerant Yes
Good for pots Yes
Good for Rockeries Yes
Good for wildlife Yes
Good for pollinators Yes
Good for cutting Yes
Good for groundcover Yes

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Hayloft was founded by Yvonne in 1992. Since then we have grown into one of the UK’s favourite online plant nurseries.

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