Impatiens ‘Glimmer Double White’ is a serene and sumptuous bloom. Double, rose-like, flowers are produced from May to September in a crisp white tone with a pastel pink hue that adds a magical touch. The opulence of these mound forming, prolific bloomers makes an eye-catching addition to baskets, window boxes and containers. Furthermore, these garden favourites are happy situated almost anywhere from full sun to full shade, so are versatile too. As a tender perennial, Impatiens ‘Glimmer Double White’ needs overwintering indoors once outside temperatures drop below 5°C. Alternatively, it can be grown as an annual if indoor space is tight and you do not have access to a heated greenhouse. Plants prefer moist, well-drained soil and a fortnightly feed to keep them looking their best. As a further benefit, ‘Glimmer’ is highly resistant of downy mildew – a disease which some varieties of impatiens are prone to. H: 40cm S: 30cm
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month