How to grow Athyrium 

Often known as the Japanese Painted Fern, these delicately beautiful deciduous perennials will light up the shady corners of your garden.  They grow to a height of between 30-50cm with a spread of up to 1m and like a moist, humus rich soil in part sun or full shade to perform to their best.  Plant at any time between January and September and foliage will emerge in April lasting throughout the growing season.  Leaves die back with the first frosts and the fern remains dormant under the surface, ready to emerge the following spring.  Despite its delicate appearance Athyrium is hardy to -20°c and can be propagated by division in spring. 

Athyrium niponicum

Key Information

Soil pH

acidic and neutral soil pH


full shade and part sun


hardiness 5
Athyrium niponicum

Where & when to plant Athyrium 

Athyrium niponicum ferns are typically characterised by their beautifully marked foliage in striking colours, which is how they earn their common name - ‘Japanese Painted Fern’.

Athyrium niponicum should ideally be planted in spring or autumn, in full or dappled shade where their fine foliage will not be scorched by sunlight and the soil will remain moist.

Avoid planting in a windy site and choose a spot which is sheltered as strong winds can easily break the delicate fronds.

If you are planting several of these pretty ferns together then space plants at least 30cm apart.  For a contrasting collection then different shades of Athyrium niponicum create a variance in colour whilst still having the delicacy of structure for your to enjoy.

Soil, which is well-drained, rich in organic matter, and moist is best for this fern to thrive.  Most ferns prefer a soil pH which is neutral to slightly acidic, so if you garden on alkaline soil, ensure you add some ericaceous compost to the planting site first and dig this in thoroughly.

How to plant Athyrium 

Dig a hole a little deeper and wider than your potted Athyrium niponicum and add plenty of leaf mulch to the base of the planting hole to enrich the soil and add essential nutrients.  Carefully tease your plant from its pot and gently loosen the roots before placing it into the hole with the crown just below soil level.  Add some loosened garden soil around the sides of the plant before firming into place and watering generously.

Athyrium niponicum also grow well in pots – use a good quality compost with added leaf mould and ensure pot grown plants can drain freely but never dry out.  Epimedium, Heuchera and Erigeron make great companions for container grown ferns. 

Athyrium niponicum

What to plant with Athyrium 

Athyrium niponicum ferns are perfect plants for woodland gardens or shady borders where they will naturalise easily in the right growing conditions. 

The attractive colours and markings of the foliage mean that this wonderful fern will light up dark areas, adding welcome texture and intrigue to a space which might be otherwise tricky to plant up.  The low growing, spreading nature of Athyrium niponicum make this perennial an excellent choice for ground cover.

Combine different varieties and colours of Athyrium niponicum for a painterly effect in the garden.

Shade loving plants which share the same growing conditions make the best companions for these ferns.  Choose from plants such as Astilbe, Epimedium, Hosta, Brunnera, Liriope muscari, Tiarella, Trillium, Pulmonaria, Dicentra, or Heuchera.  This will provide some magical planting combinations for your shaded areas.

Please contact our helpful and knowledgeable Customer Care Team at Hayloft if you would like any further advice or planting ideas for your Athyrium niponicum plants or other ferns.

How to care for Athyrium 

Water your young Athyrium niponicum well, at least twice a week until they have established themselves and thereafter only during periods of very dry weather.  As long as you have planted these ferns in a shady spot, the soil should remain moist enough for the roots to find a constant water source.

When watering, take care to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged as this could result in your ferns rotting away.

Leave the faded fronds on your Athyrium niponicum plants over winter to help protect the crown from frost, this is particularly important in colder regions.  A mulch of leaf mould in autumn, several inches thick, is also important to protect plants and feed the soil.  This helps to ensure next year’s growth will be even more lush.

Remove the dead or damaged foliage at the base of your plants in spring to make way for newly emerging fronds.

A liquid feed of organic balanced fertiliser in spring, diluted according to the instructions on the bottle, will also benefit your plants.

How to propagate Athyrium 

Athyrium niponicum can be grown from the mature spores found on the underside of the fronds, but they can be tricky to germinate and very slow to grow.  The easiest and most reliable form of propagation is by division.

We recommend dividing your ferns in spring before the coiled new shoots begin to unfurl.

The roots of Athyrium niponicum will spread readily underground over the years as your ferns naturalise within their growing space.  Dividing the clumps will help to maintain the vigour of your plants as well as increasing your stock for planting in other parts of the garden or sharing with friends and family. 

Dig new planting holes and add handful or two of leaf-mould to each if you are replanting the new sections of your ferns immediately.  Alternatively, have pots with good quality, humus-rich compost ready to plant the new divisions into.

Dig carefully and deeply around your established fern with a garden fork and remove the entire plant, or clump of plants.  Separate each plant into 3 sections by hand, ensuring you have a few fronds attached to each section of roots.  You may need to use a sharp knife to cut through the roots if they are tough or congested.

Plant your new divisions into their holes or pots and water well for a few weeks until they have settled in.