How to grow Zaluzianskya
Native to South Africa, Zaluzianskya is a genus of flowering plant and part of the figwort family. With 60 species, Zaluzianskya was named after Adam Zalužanský ze Zalužan, a prominent botanist in the 16th century. Now, they are more commonly known as ‘Night Scented Phlox’ due to their sweet evening perfume.
Suited to the front of a flower border or container, Zaluzianskya is low-growing in nature reaching 50cm in height and spread. Taking 5 years to fully mature, you can find Zaluzianskya in reds, purples, whites and yellows with delicious names such as ‘Midnight Candy’. Zaluzianskya’s compact and nectar-rich flowers bring bees, butterflies and moths to a garden for pollination.

Key Information
Soil pH



Where & when to plant Zaluzianskya
Zaluzianskya are well-suited to containers and patio gardens. Plant Zaluzianskya in the spring once the last frost has passed. Zaluzinskya needs a position with 6-8 hours of daily sunlight and moist, well-draining soil to thrive. Where possible, Zaluzianskya also benefits from a sheltered position with some protection from strong winds.
How to plant Zaluzianskya
When you are growing Zaluzianskya from a young plant, you will need to find a position that benefits from full sun each day. As well as flower borders, you can grow Zaluzianskya in pots or containers. This gives versatility with positioning, ensuring you can enjoy evening scents and making cold protection over the winter easier.
Your Zaluzianskya will need well-draining soil. If your soil does not currently drain well, add sand or grit to create drainage.
Dig a hole for each Zaluzianskya plant that is twice the width of the root ball and the same depth. When growing multiple Zaluzianskya plants, give 30cm of space between each so they all have room to grow and spread. Add your plant to the hole and backfill.
Tamp the soil around each plant and water well to settle in. Water moderately in the following weeks to aid healthy growth.

What to plant with Zaluzianskya
Zaluzianskya has two brilliant attributes to bear in mind when looking for companion plants. The first being is its night-blooming nature and the second being its fragrance; Zaluzianskya’s scent has been likened to honey, almond and vanilla. Pair Zaluzianskya with other fragrant flowers such as Angel’s trumpets (Brugmansia) or ‘Four o’ Clock’ flowers (Mirabilis jalapa) with their sweet night-time aromas. You can also pair Zaluzianskya with Thymus - Thyme - to create an unbeatable fragrance combination.
Please contact our excellent Customer Care Team if you would like any help or planting tips for your Zaluzianskya. Below are a few ideas to help get you started.

How to care for Zaluzianskya
Pruning & Deadheading
Remove any dead, diseased or damaged stems and flowers as you see them. Once the flowering season has finished, cut back hard to 10-15cm above the soil level - this will help encourage healthy regrowth the following year.
Moderate watering is required when growing Zaluzianskya. Once established, you can let the soil dry out before you water again, as Zaluzianskya is drought tolerant. In the lead up to winter, reduce watering.
Cold Protection
Zaluzianskya are not frost-hardy plants, so if you are growing in a pot or a container, bring your plants indoors to a conservatory or warm area to protect them from the frost. If you have planted Zaluzianskya in a flower bed or border, add a deep, dry mulch to protect the roots.
Pests & Diseases
Zaluzianskya are generally disease-free. However, there are a few pests to look out for such as aphids which can pierce your flower stems to suck out the sap and can transmit plant viruses and diseases from other plants in doing so. Be mindful of root rot - this can be prevented by planting Zaluzianskya in well-draining soil and watering moderately.
How to propagate Zaluzianskya
The best way to propagate Zaluzianskya is by seed. Zaluzianskya will self-seed in the summer, so pick up the seeds at this point for sowing in the following spring. Remember they will need overwintering indoors or with some frost protection.
Sprinkle your Zaluzianskya seeds on top of compost, leaving 1-2cm between each where possible. Cover each seed with a thin layer of soil, water in and create humidity by adding a plastic or polythene bag to cover the pot or tray
Place in a warm and sunny position and water regularly.
Once the second set of leaves has grown, your seeds are ready for pricking out; gently pull them and repot into a larger space. When repotting or replanting, the first set of leaves (the lowest) should be underneath the soil, with the second set of leaves above soil level
Once the frost has passed in the following year, your Zaluzianskya plants should be ready to plant outdoors in a sunny spot.
Common Zaluzianskya questions
Is Zaluzianskya perennial?
Some members of the Zaluzianskya genus are annuals while others are semi-evergreen perennials - this means that their foliage appears almost year-round and will only fall off for a short period of time before regrowing.
How do you grow Zaluzianskya?
Zaluzianskya should be planted in the spring when the soil is warm. Plant Zaluzianskya in a position with full sun and well-draining soil.
How do you look after Zaluzianskya?
As well as planting your Zaluzianskya in full sun, water regularly to keep the soil moist. Over the winter, you can water less as rainfall will provide sufficient hydration.