How to grow Hakonechloa

Hakonechloa is a perennial grass from the woodlands of Japan which forms distinctive soft, shaggy mounds. It is one of the few ornamental grasses happy to grow in shade and is popular among gardeners and designers for adding elegance and texture to dimly lit spots. It provides sound and movement as well – its arching, papery leaves rippling and rustling in the wind is a feast for the senses.

This easy to grow plant makes a low fuss, long-lived addition to the garden. A slow-growing nature means it can take a little while to get going, but on the plus side means its natural spreading tendency is not invasive like many other grasses, and it is happy to spend life in a container.

In the UK the common name for hakonechloa is Japanese forest grass, while in the US it is better known as Hakone grass. While there is just one species (Hakonechloa macra), this is available in many cultivated forms offering leaf colours from green, to gold, to variegated. During summer hakonechloa produces loose, nodding flower panicles, though these are insignificant and tend to go unnoticed.


Zantedeschia is a genus of flowering plants from the family Araceae and is native to southern Africa. With a rich history dating back to the Ancient Romans, these deciduous or semi-evergreen perennials have been used as a symbol of celebration. Zantedeschia was Named after Professor Giovanni Zantedeschia, an Italian botanist.

 There are two main forms of Zantedeschia: hardy and tender. Hardy forms of the plant can be grown outdoors, enjoy moist soil and full sun or partially shaded conditions - these are known as Arum lilies. Tender forms of Zantedeschia prefer being grown in containers or pots and should be brought inside over the winter - these are known as Calla lilies.

 With tuberous flora in all colours from whites, yellows and oranges to deep reds and purples, Zantedeschias are not to be overlooked in any garden, as long as they have sufficient sunlight to grow in.

 Ready to learn more about growing Zantedeschia? Read on for all there is to know...


Key Information

Soil pH

not fussy


full sun position


hardiness 1 c

Where & when to plant Hakonechloa

Position  -  Partial or dappled shade is preferred (and is best for the leaf colour of variegated forms), though full sun is fine if the soil remains moist. In the latter, the leaves often develop a slight reddish tinge in autumn.

Soil  -  Any reasonable soil, avoiding the extremes of waterlogged or very dry.

Flowering Period  -  Summer

Hardiness  -  Hardy, rated H7 (-20°C and below).

For best results, plant in autumn or spring. An autumn planting can be done by those gardening in mild conditions (and broadly speaking, this is the southern half of the UK) and with well-draining soil. For those liable to cold, wet winters, it is best to wait until spring (generally the northern half of the UK, or those with very heavy soil). Planting can also be carried out in summer, though be prepared to water regularly.

Hakonechloa can be planted individually, perhaps as an occasional accent in a partially shaded border, or in a container where it will softly spill over the edge. Alternatively, it can be grown ‘en masse’ to create dense swathes of undulating groundcover, perhaps beneath deciduous trees or on a hillside to prevent erosion. It also makes for wonderfully tactile edging along a path or front of a border.

How to plant Hakonechloa

Water well and allow to drain before planting. Then:


·         For planting in the open ground, dig the soil area over, removing any large stones and weeds and breaking up any lumps. Now is your chance to mix in plenty of well-rotted organic matter such as manure or garden compost. This is an especially good idea if you garden on lean, poor soil.  

·         Rake level and firm with your heels. Rake level again.

·         Dig a hole twice the width of the roots.

·         Place the plant in the hole, ensuring the top of the root ball sits level with the surface of the soil. Too high and the roots can dry out, too low and the stem can rot.

·         Backfill with soil and firm in gently with your foot.

·         Soak well with water. 

·         Mulch around the base with well-rotted organic matter.

  • For planting in a container, first choose an appropriately sized pot. The best practice (particularly with something as slow growing such as hakonechloa) is to start just a few centimetres (i.e., no more than 5 centimetres) larger than the root ball and repot into a slightly larger size every two or three years. Always ensure there are plenty of drainage holes in the bottom.
  • Use a loam-based compost suitable for mature plants (John Innes No 2 is ideal), with a little horticultural grit mixed in, and, if not already present in the compost (check the description on the bag) some slow-release fertiliser granules.
  • Start by partially filling the pot with compost; enough so that when placed on it the top of the roots sits about 3 centimetres lower than the top of the pot.
  • Infill all the space surrounding the roots with compost, firming down with your fingers then adding a little more so the plant is held tight.
  • Pick up the pot (if you can!) and lightly tap on the potting bench or ground a few times to help further settle the compost around the plant.
  • Soak well with water.
  • A mulch with horticultural grit will look attractive and help to prevent a ‘cap’ or crust forming on the top of the compost (something container plants can suffer due to the artificial nature of their watering).

What to plant with Hakonechloa

Try knitting hakonechloa together with a variety of shade lovers to transform that partially shaded corner or border into a lush, textured tapestry. Think ferns such as blechnum, adiantum and dryopteris, along with hostas, liriope, and our other favourite grass for shade, Carex oshimensis.

How to care for Hakonechloa

Pruning and Deadheading

This is a very low maintenance plant which requires only a once-a-year tidy. Simply cut back old, faded foliage and flower stems to the base in late winter.

Try to resist the urge to do this as part of an autumn garden tidy, as the bleached out leaves remain robust and attractive throughout winter.  


Hakonechloa enjoys moist conditions and so, when grown outside, benefits from a good watering in on planting and then regular soakings until established. After this, it should need watering only in prolonged periods of hot, dry weather.

Container-grown hakonechloa has less access to moisture so will need to be watered throughout every growing season. To avoid overdoing it (like most grasses, hakonechloa dislikes sitting in soggy, waterlogged conditions), water only when the top couple of centimetres of compost feel dry. From mid-autumn, the British climate tends to take over watering needs, though do remember to step in in the event of an unseasonably dry spell.


On healthy, fertile soil, an annual mulch of well-rotted organic matter should provide sufficient nourishment for your hakonechloa (manure or garden compost are ideal). As well as boosting the nutrient content of the soil, mulch has the added benefits of suppressing weeds and locking in moisture.

In a container, try to use a good quality compost with slow-release granules mixed in. This generally provides enough nutrients for six weeks, after which a monthly dose of balanced liquid feed will help maintain a healthy, thriving plant. Slow-growing hakonechloa can take many years to outgrow a container, however it is a good idea to get into the routine of repotting into fresh compost every two or three years.

 Cold Protection

Hakonechloa is hardy enough to withstand a UK winter without the need for additional protection. Any winter losses we’ve seen have been down to excessive winter wet, so do try to give yours a well-draining spot, particularly if you live in an especially wet part of the UK.

Like all plants, hakonechloa grown in a container can be more vulnerable to the cold. It can therefore be worth wrapping the pot with hessian or fleece to protect the roots during winter, with the added benefit of preventing the pot cracking.

 Pests and Diseases

Hakonechloa is considered trouble free.

How to propagate Hakonechloa

The quickest and easiest way to propagate hakonechloa is to divide established clumps in spring: 

1.             Choose a day when the soil is not frozen or waterlogged.

2.             Dig the plant out of the ground and shake off any excess soil.

3.             Separate into sections using either a sharp knife or making swift, cutting blows with a sharp spade.  

4.             Discard old, damaged, or surplus pieces, keeping healthy, vigorous material with roots attached.

5.             These are best potted up and grown on in a greenhouse, coldframe, or in the shelter of a warm wall for the first year.

6.             Plant out the following spring as above. 

* Many plants carry Plant Breeders Rights and cannot be propagated for commercial purposes.

Common Hakonechloa Questions

·         Is hakonechloa poisonous?
This plant has no toxic effects reported to people or animals.

·         Is hakonechloa deciduous or evergreen?
Somewhere between! Though its leaves are technically deciduous, they tend to remain intact and continue to look attractive right through until the next growing season.
