How to grow Arisaema
Key Information
Soil pH
![acidic or neutral pH](
![full sun and part shade](
![hardiness 4](
Where to plant Arisaema
Arisaema are best planted in a moist but well-drained, humus-rich soil of chalk, loam or sand within an acidic or neutral PH balance. They are best positioned in a sheltered area of sun or part shade. Arisaema are well suited to flower beds and borders within a tropical style garden as well as underplanting of shrubs and roses.
How to plant Arisaema
Amend the planting area with compost before planting to add nutrients and to improve the soils drainage. Plant your tubers around 20cm (8in) below the soil. Water well after planting.
How to care for Arisaema
Keep the soil moist by not waterlogged as waterlogging will rot the tubers. Apply a mulch in winter and spring to protect your plants from frost.
How to propagate Arisaema
It is possible to propagate Arisaema by seed sown in containers in a cold frame in autumn or spring. Offsets may be removed in late summer.