How to grow Anethum
Key Information
Soil pH



Where to plant Anethum
Anethum are best planted in a moist but well-drained soil of loam, sand or chalk within a neutral, acidic or alkaline PH balance. They are best positioned in a sheltered area that receives full sun where they are protected from strong winds and adverse weather conditions. Anethum are well suited to flower beds and borders besides pathways where the scent can be enjoyed. They also make great cut flowers.
How to plant Anethum
You may wish to amend heavy soils with a generous amount of organic matter to improve drainage and growing conditions. Dig a hole that is the same depth and twice the width of your Anethum, spreading the roots before settling into place. Space companion plants 30cm (12in) apart to allow enough room for plants to spread as they mature. Water thoroughly and deeply after planting.

How to care for Anethum
Water freely throughout active growth and during periods of dry weather. Stake varieties that are exposed to adverse weather to retain a healthy structure. May need protection from cold weather conditions so it’s vital to transplant them or use protective wrapping when temperatures dramatically fall.