How to grow Andromeda

Key Information

Soil pH



full sun, part shade, full shade


hardiness 7

Where to plant Andromeda

Andromeda are best planted in a moist but well-drained soil of loam, clay or sand. They are best positioned in a sheltered area of full sun, part shade or full shade. Andromeda make a subtle and unimposing plant within your border and containers due to its small size. It will spread, creating depth to your beds and borders whilst acting as affective weed suppressing groundcover, perfect for wildlife, cottage and informal gardens.

How to plant Andromeda

Water after planting and ensure it has plenty of moisture whilst it is still young.


What to plant with Andromeda

How to care for Andromeda

Apply an 8-10cm (3-4in) layer of pine needles or oak leaves to retain moisture levels. Feed with a 4-3-4 granular fertiliser in early April to maintain healthy growth and development, continuing to do this when necessary during active growth. Make sure fertiliser does not encounter stems or foliage as this may cause inadvertent damage.

How to propagate Andromeda

It is possible to propagate Andromeda by softwood cuttings or by layering.
