Phlox have been a firm favourite in summer gardens for many years. Producing large, showy flowerheads over neat, upright clumps of foliage all summer and often again in autumn. The flowers release clouds of gentle sweet fragrance. Plant near a door, window, or path so you can fully enjoy the sweet scent. Much loved by our pollinating friends, the nectar-rich blooms will bring bees and butterflies into your garden for a feast. Excellent as cut flowers to be brought into your home. The ‘Favoured Phlox Collection’ comprises; paniculata ‘Eva Cullum’ AGM – showy flowerheads consisting of many smaller, deep pink blooms with dark centres; paniculata ‘Franz Schubert’ AGM - flowerheads of smaller blooms in shades of pale-pink-purple which ombre in colour towards the edge of the petals; and paniculata ‘Laura’ - pyramidal clusters of pink-purple blooms, each with a starry white central eye. Happy in borders and containers, Phlox paniculata are slug resistant and tolerant of all soil conditions in sun or partial shade. Reaching an approximate height of 60-90cm and spreading to 60cm, these fully hardy perennials can be left to grow outside all year round without need for winter protection.
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month