Diascia Diamond White Blush

Common name: Twinspur

An effervescent gem, which bubbles and froths all summer with a delightful white blush

-1 to -5°C
Good for Pollinators

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This pretty, profusion of popcorn-like blooms is perfect in every way. Romance will permeate through your garden, whether your 'Diascia Diamond White Blush' fizzes across the ground in a border, or innocently beguiles you from a planter on your patio. An exquisite display of pale pink and a diminutive gold eye graces each delicate paper-white flower. Strung in delicate racemes, these floriferous blooms will enchant your garden from May all the way to October.Bees and butterflies are enthralled by these frothy little blooms, whose kiss-like petals invite them to linger. This half-hardy mountain perennial from southern Africa will thrive in full or part sunshine with moist, well-drained soil. While your diascia can survive mild winters in a sheltered location, it is best to move your plant in a conservatory or greenhouse for the cooler months. Regularly watering and deadheading your 'Diascia Diamond White Blush' will also encourage exceptional flowering. 'Diascia Diamond White Blush' will eventually extend to a height and spread of 20cm by 30cm.
Flower and Foliage Months













Foliage Month

Flowering Month

Key Information
Latin Name Diascia 'Diamond White Blush'
Common Name Twinspur
Hardiness H3 (-1 to -5°C)
Colour White
Format Young Plants
Position Full-Sun, Part-Shade, Part-Sun
Foliage Semi-Evergreen
Height in Maturity (m) 0.20 m
Spread in Maturity (m) 0.30
Soil Conditions Chalk Clay Loam Sand, Chalk Loam Sand
Soil Acidity Acid Alkaline Neutral, Alkaline Neutral
Aspect East-facing, South-facing
Good for pots Yes
Good for hanging baskets Yes
Good for Rockeries Yes
Good for wildlife Yes
Good for pollinators Yes
Good for groundcover Yes

What Will I Receive?

Young Plants


Potted Plants


Bare Roots


Bulbs & Corms
