Dianthus Tickled Pink

Common name: Garden Pink

You will appreciate the beauty of Dianthus 'Tickled Pink', with its vibrant pink petals and sweet fragrance.

-15 to -20°C
Good Cut Flowers
Good for Pollinators

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Dianthus Tickled Pink, from the Scent First series, is an award-winning evergreen perennial. Neat evergreen domes of blue-green weed-suppressing foliage are covered with pretty, bright pink, sweetly scented blooms from late spring to autumn. Dianthus have everything, beauty, durability and sensual heady perfume. Native to Eurasia, Dianthus have been known since ancient times, the name derived from the Greek Dios-anthus, meaning Flower of the Gods. You find Dianthus growing naturally around in the Mediterranean. One of the oldest flowers in cultivation, dating back to Roman times, early Christians believed the first carnation bloomed when Mary wept for Jesus as he carried his cross. Slugs, deer and rabbits tend to leave alone, while the blooms are much loved by our pollinating friends, the bees and butterflies. Dianthus Tickled Pink is drought tolerant and unfussy on soil conditions, happily flourishing in sun or part shade. A fully hardy perennial which can be left outside over winter with no frost protection required, to be enjoyed during the following summers.
When To Plant













Planting Month

Foliage Month

Flowering Month

Key Information
Latin Name Dianthus Tickled Pink YP
Common Name Garden Pink
Hardiness H6 (-15 to -20°C)
Colour Pink
Type Perennial
Format Young Plants
Position Full-Sun
Height in Maturity (m) 0.30 m
Spread in Maturity (m) 0.30
Soil Conditions Chalk Loam Sand
Aspect East-facing, South-facing, West-facing
Scented Yes
Drought Tolerant Yes
Good for pots Yes
Good for Rockeries Yes
Good for wildlife Yes
Good for pollinators Yes
Good for cutting Yes

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