Showcasing an exciting new series of snapdragon, our Antirrhinum ‘Dazzling Lips’ Collection includes cultivars in various shades of reds, yellows, and oranges. The result of an extensive breeding programme, these compact and bushy plants combine large, showy blooms with a strong, sturdy, upright habit and, of course, beautiful blooms from June to September. Coming into flower earlier than most traditional varieties, ‘Dazzling Lips’ then continue for several months, producing masses of their gently perfumed blooms. Antirrhinum flowers are rich in nectar, and therefore highly valuable to pollinators. An impressive vase life means they make particularly good cut flowers. Perfect for use as annual bedding in a border, or in container displays and window boxes. Plants in the Antirrhinum ‘Dazzling Lips’ Collection prefer to be grown in moist, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Half-hardy annuals with an RHS rating of H2, these tender perennials will reach a height of around 50c
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month