Often seen growing in woodland areas, Convallaria majalis and one of the UK’s favourite flowers. Lily of the Valley is incredibly easy to grow, naturalising to form clumps and filling your garden with fragrance. Highly scented, bell-shaped flowers, 8-12 per arched stem, nod in the late spring breeze amongst green, fluted foliage, tiny red berries follow. A favourite amongst florists, Convallaria majalis make excellent cut flowers for bouquets or for your home so you can enjoy the scent indoors too. Convallaria majalis has been given the Award of Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society for outstanding performance in the garden. Happy in borders or containers, Convallaria majalis is rabbit and deer resistant, easy to grow and trouble-free creating clumps of weed-suppressing groundcover. Not fussy on soil conditions, although they prefer to be grown in moist soil in full or part shade. Growing to a mature height of approximately 25-30cm, they spread to approximately 20cm and despite their dainty appearance, thrive outside for years with no winter protection, forming underground stems or rhizomes.
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month