This is a woodland wonder with possibly the largest leaves of any brunnera – reaching up to 25cm across when mature! Not only this, foliage has the most stunning, overlaid silvery patterns and is heart shaped too. We grow ours in a shady spot near the pond, next to a gunnera, and have even contemplated letting this marvellous brunnera variety dominate the space as it is so beautiful. From May to June dainty sprays of starry, clear blue, forget-me-not-like blooms sparkle. After which dense carpets of attractive, hairy, weed-suppressing, semi-evergreen foliage rapidly takes centre stage. Although Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack of Diamonds’ thrives in shade, it will welcome morning sunshine, and the patterned foliage performs best in light shade. Plants prefer cool, moist soil of any type. Once established they can cope with drier conditions. This is a hardy (H6) perennial which has a height of around 50cm and spreads to 80cm. Robust enough to last for years throughout most of the UK without additional winter protection.