Betula pendula 2 litre pot

Whispering and magical movement from a British native tree

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Symbolic of renewal and purification, Betula pendula adds a graceful presence to your garden. Its light, open canopy is ideal for underplanting and well suited to grasses, anemones, violets and bluebells, or any plant that thrives in well-drained, dappled shade. Catkin-like flowers are borne from April to May, accompanied by small, triangular shaped, green foliage with a toothed edge which fades to a warm yellow in autumn. Trunks have tissue-like white bark alongside darker, attractive diamond shaped fissures as trees mature. In full leaf, Betula pendula not only adds movement to the garden – it offers gentle, dreamy sound too and makes an ideal, semi-shaded spot for a lounger or bench.Plant in a moist, well-drained soil of any type which benefits from full sun. Allow enough room for your fast-growing tree to mature over 20-50 years and reach up to 25 metres tall with a spread of 10 metres. A fully hardy, deciduous tree with long slender branches to match its tall and elegant for
When To Plant













Planting Month

Foliage Month

Flowering Month

Key Information
Latin Name Betula pendula
Colour Yellow
Format 2 Litre Pots

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Hayloft was founded by Yvonne in 1992. Since then we have grown into one of the UK’s favourite online plant nurseries.

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