Cats just love brushing against these enticing perennials and will even roll around them given half a chance. However, you don’t have to be a cat owner to appreciate this plant. A reliable choice for any
informal garden setting, Nepeta are strong, easy to grow and will tolerate long bouts of drought. They
are perfect for the gardener who wants to plant and sit back, rather than spend hours pruning and
preening. Preferring sandy, well-drained soils, they can be treated much the same as a lavender, yet they
are more rewarding to grow than lavender, due to their long flowering period throughout summer. Their
clump-forming serrated foliage is also highly fragrant which releases a strong, herby aroma. Loved by
bees and rabbit and deer resistant.
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month