For masses of bright, citrus-coloured blooms from spring until late summer, try Antirrhinum Dazzling Lips Lemon, part of an exciting new series of snapdragon. Compact and bushy; the plants in this series combine showy, long-lasting, gently perfumed blooms with a strong, upright habit. Flowers are a magnet for pollinators and fun for children, who for many generations have enjoyed snapping them open and closed like the jaws of a dragon. Antirrhinum also hold exceptional value as cut flowers. Not only do they flower prolifically for months on end, the more you pick them the more they flower! Lasting up to 10 days in a vase, a few of these plants should guarantee a house filled with sweet scented blooms, all summer long. Prefer moist, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. H&S: 50cm x 30cm. Half-hardy annuals.
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month