Anemone x hybrida ‘Whirlwind’ will sweep you off your feet with its tall stature and majestic, semi-double to double, white blooms, which are perfect for illuminating shady areas of the garden. Large, showy, flowers, up to 6cm across, are held gracefully high above the maple-like foliage. Blooms sway in the breeze from July to October and often into November. A wonderful fully hardy perennial which is invaluable for late summer and autumn colour, when many other summer flowering perennials are starting to fade. Anemone is said to mean ‘daughter of the wind’ in ancient Greek, and today they are often commonly called the Windflower. The slender stems are surprisingly strong, withstanding the fiercest of winds. Anemone are untroubled by most garden pests. Anemone x hybrida ‘Whirlwind’ will reach a height of up to 90cm, spreading to 75cm. Thriving in almost any soil, in sun or partial shade, you will have years of joy with no winter protection required.
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month