Agapanthus inapertus subsp pendulus Black Magic will make a bold, dramatic and architectural statement in your borders and containers.Globe-like clusters of drooping indigo-black buds open in summer, revealing dark blue trumpets. Held on strong stems above strap shaped foliage, Black Magic brings movement as it sways in the breeze. The blooms make excellent cut flowers for your home, lasting up to two weeks in a vase. The attractive seed heads which follow, make a wonderful winter feature if left, or used in arrangements. Native to South Africa, hence the common name, African lily, Agapanthus are happy in borders and containers and are grow well in coastal areas, fully able to cope with salty, see breezes.Agapanthus Black Magic is drought tolerant, and prefers to be grown in moist, well-drained soil in full sun. Growing to a height of 80cm (32") and spreading to 50cm (20"). A hardy perennial which may require some protection in the coldest winters.