The freckled, sweet lilac-pink and bright yellow faces of Alstroemeria Inticancha Sunday make for a fun and colourful choice of this brilliant plant.Alstroemeria are native to South America and are often known as Peruvian lilies. They are happy planted in a sunny spot and can tolerate some shade.Great to liven up your patio pots, or add colour to an informal planting scheme, tropical-looking alstroemeria bloom for an exceptionally long period - usually from June until at least October.Reaching a height and spread of 30cm within 2-3 years, the Inticancha range of hardy alstroemeria have been specially bred for their neat and compact growing habit, as well as their charming multi-headed flowers.Loved by florists for their exotic-looks and fantastically long vase-life, alstroemeria make outstanding cut flowers and this stunning colourway produce a beautiful looking bunch. Plant in well-drained soil with a handful of organic matter and remember to mulch in winter, and alstroemeria will repay you with an enduring display of beauty for years to come.
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month