Intense and intriguing spires of violet-blue
Aconitum napellus is a stately European native which is as rich in folklore as it is in colour. Often claimed to have been used to create spells associated with invisibility and protection, Aconitum napellus was also used to poison arrows and spears for hunting and for battle.
Ideally suited to the back of a partly shaded border, aconitum will naturalise and spread in the right conditions to give resplendent spikes of hooded blooms from June to August on strong, tall stems which will gently sway in summer breezes.
The racemes of aconitum’s hooded blooms are borne from June to August on tall, strong stems which will gently wave in summer breezes. Valuable plants if you wish to entice bees and butterflies into your garden. Handle Aconitum napellus with care as it is poisonous (hence the uses above) – we recommend wearing gloves when touching or planting. With a little caution you will be rewarded with plentiful and interesting colour in b
Flower and Foliage Months
Foliage Month
Flowering Month